It seems like people will find a way to categorize anything today. As long as they have a name and a label for something, they feel that they can control it. Today what I present to you is the uncontrolable force known only as "Inflowential". They aren't trap niggas, hell, two of them aren't even black. They're not hip hop heads/backpackers, or not totally atleast. They're not working to "bring us back to the essence", they're not totally left field, and despite what people might tell you THEY ARE NOT THE SECOND COMING OF THE ROOTS(not that that would be a bad thing). They are simply some talented guys who love hip hop and started a group and make music that appealed to them. TAB 1, Charlie Smarts, Adid, & Bender form this quartet of unexplainable hip hop and ever since they came on the scene with their interesting blend of emcee-ing, beatboxing, and bass guitar they have been a raliegh powerhouse. Althought they have toured the state many times raleigh is the place they call home and where they get the most love.
Because their style is so eclectic their fans range from the trap niggas to the sorority girls (especially the sorority girls).Whenver and wherever they perform it is guaranteed to be a good time. They do have some set songs when they perform but the reason why a person like me can go to three of their shows in one week is because they improv a good amount of it too and its simply amazing. You never know what verse your going to hear from the unpredicatble tab 1(he freestlyes at least one song a performance), at any moment charlie smarts could break out into song, and Adid might give the rest of the guys a rest while he does his famous beatbox halftime show in between their set. Known for their great performances and their truthful and easily relatable lyrics they have gained much fanfare. They recently won a talent competition at NCCU and are now in talks with Atlantic Records. If you want to get your hands on some material theyhave an E.P. out and they are currently in the studio working on the full length so look out for that coming soon. SO IF U DONT KNOW NOW U KNOW!!!
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