
Saturday Soapbox

On the Saturday Soapbox I discuss a current event in the rap world, be it good or bad. Dont be afraid its just my opinion. Let me already apologize if I offend somebody.

The question I ask while I stand on the soapbox this week is "IS RAP "JUST A TOY?".

There's an article that appeared on allhiphop.com this week (link above, just click on "saturday soapbox) about the newest hip hop buisness venture. Apparently a company by the name of Mezco Toyz wants or is going to "revive hip hop icons the Notorious B.I.G. and Public Enemy as action figures".

It was ok when there were talks of a Master P doll because we all know that he is a shamelss buisness man that will do damn near anything for a dollar and 15 MORE min. of fame. It was even understandable that Ghostface would sign his likeness over to Mattel & Co, first, because he's one of the funniest and most eccentric emcees to ever hold a mic and second because he's already doing MTV 2 commcericals. But I just think taking one of the most beloved dead emcees and one of the most socially concious living emcees and trivializing both leagacies by miniturizing them to "nine-inch plastic figures" is taking it too far.

Hip Hop as a musical genre has been exploited ever since the ceo's of Coke and Mc Donalds figured out that Nelly and Ludacris weren't on the cover of tiger beat magazine but they were sure as hell blasting out of his/her daughter's stereos. But it seems that in recent years its not the just the abstract idea of "Hip Hop" thats being exploited but these companies are actually putting faces to the culture. Ludacris with Puma and Pontiac, Lil Jon with Oakley, Slum Village with Chevy, and even Jay Z with HP Computers (at least he refused to show his face).

Now, theres nothing wrong with free enterprise Im all for Lil Jon and Crunk Juice, Nelly and Pimp Juice, and Ludacris with Def Con 3 because they aren't simply puppets for big conglomerates. They are trying to do their own thing and compete against the very buisnesses that are whore-ing out the culture. Which gives these specific artist all the more reason to tell Coke and Puma to fuck off because they have their own drinks and footwear.

And for those optimist thinking that Chuck D and Violetta Wallace(shame on you Violetta for this and the duets album, even though diddy isa fucking you over you MUST find a better way to make ends meet) signed their repsective souls to the dark side for a good cause just check out how they described the B.I.G. doll, "The Notorious B.I.G. action figure will be clad in his distinctive white-tailored cloth suit along with a removable hat, cane and “bling accessories.”". Now what exactly is a Bling accessory? and last time I checked the notorious one didnt always have a hat and cane. Barbie is over 70 years old and that bitch doesnt have a cane. If you ask me Mezco Toys might as well have given Biggie a feather for hist hat, some gators and a copule of bitches and just called it "the fat pimp doll". Chuck D is going to come fully equipped with his "signature gold chain and baseball cap". Correct me if I wrong but last time I saw the Dont Believe The Hype video Chuck D had a chain with the continent of Africa on it and it sure as hell wasnt gold. That just goes to show you how low formerly great artist will go when you choose to buy the ying yang twins albums over their own. But I digress.

The problem is, to quote another hip hop action figure, "the game is to be sold not to be told" and black people especially seem to have no problem with doing the selling and the telling even when its for companies who don't really give a shit about the culture and the progression of hip hop music.

***the backpacker steps off the soapbox***

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