It has recently come to my attention that the two top selling artists(and I use that term very loosely) in the industry right now, have only been able to reach their "cult" status through the use of ghostwriters. If your not up on the latest hip hop news and you have no idea who these two so called "artist" are, let me give you some hints. They are both from the south,both are closely affiliated with Diddy (the king of all ghostwriting entusiasts), one of these guys humourously claims to be the "Best Rapper Alive", and the other just seems to always know where it going down at. Thats right kids, your daughters favorite rappers... Lil Wayne and Yung Joc!!!!. Surprised? I sure as hell was, who in the fuck would admit to writing something like "meet me in the mall...its going down"? However, this week, everything was brought to light thanks to that little green eyed monster called jealousy. How you could ever be jealous of a fake and a phony whos words aren't even their own I'll never know but I digress.
This week, the two gentlemen that penned these mulitplatinum paragraphs exposed their counterparts because they were tired of......I guess not being on T.V. or something. Nitty, the ass hole responsible for "It's Going Down" wasn't satisfied with people simply knowing it was a "Nitty Beat"(try to imagine that annoying little kid's voice). He apparently thought it ws very important that the listening public know that it was a Nitty song too. Gille Da Kid voiced his concerns about not getting his 15 minutes in a more traditional fashion, a freestyle diss aimed at his employer Lil Wayne (Link's at the bottom). Im not gonna go into what was said because it was mediocre at best, especially compared to E Ness who happened to also be rapping at the time. Instead i'd like to analyze two things; first, how in the world would any self-respecting artist ever let anyone else put words in their mouth, and 2. Why in the hell don't these gohstwriters keep their mouth shut (ghostwriting doesn't work if everyone knows your doing it).
Let's start with the veteran and more respected "lyricist"(and I use that term loosely) out of the two, Lil Wayne. Now we all know his story, lost his father at 10, shot at 11, hooked up with Baby and Slim and been shining eversince. I used to have alot of respect for the "Lil" guy, to be that young and be able to hang with real artists like "B.G. and Juvenile" who changed the face of hip hop and truly depcited their life and times living in Magnolia. To have come though the ranks and studied under individuals such as these, after his first three releases I was under the impression that the young man was coming along just fine. 17 years old, coined the terms "bling bling" and "drop it like its hot", living it up in mansions with the cash money millionaires and never lost his magnolia masses. I respected him for not being bow wow or romeo, or kriss kross, or any other cheesy pre pubescent rapper you can conjure up. He was to me, dare I say it, the southern version of Shyheim. Then "The Carter" came out. Boy was I really fooled then, the "Lil" man had the most stubborn hip hop heads singing his praises. But this was not to last. I guess money really changes people. After "The Carter", Wayne went from rees beaus and tees; to bapes, designers shades, and red monkey jeans. I mean the "Lil" bastard went hollywood on us!!!!!! First he was gonna sign with Hov, then Bad Boy, thankfully he came to his senses, decided not to shit on his new orleans roots all together and stayed with Cash Money.But that was the begining, I think that as a mostly independent artist once you cross the threshold of that board room door and see how the big bucks are made you are either one, completely disgusted or two, undeniably attracted. Guess which one Wayne was......DON'T BE SURPRISED IF HE ASKS WHERE DA CASH AT???. So he got his million dollar advance, hopped on the first thing smokin to miami, payed some one else to do his album for him and went to go play on the beach. END OF STORY, END OF CAREER, ONCE SOMEONE ELSE WRITES "YOUR" RHYMES YOUR NO LONGER AN ARTIST.
If it were only that simple. Im guessing once this story really hits all the websites and rap mags, all you'll hear is crickets. The rap game is so fucked up and convoluted with false images and personas I don't think anyone will care.
Now, let me talk about this other one, Yung Joc. Yeah, that's Yung Joc with a U and no K. First off let me say I don't blame Yung Joc because he is simply a puppet. I BLAME THE FANS. Anyone who likes Yung Joc's music is a brainless idiot and deserves to be shot (there I said it). But back to the point, Yung Joc is a puppet. Add one part Diddy's stylist, two parts Nitty (the beat and the lyrics), then add a young...dumb....broke nigga with no soul or scruples and you've got yourself a smash hit!!!!! There you go, how to be a record label executive for dummies. Basically thats it. Everyone else who's blaming Joc needs to stop cuz you really can't knoc (no k) his hustle. First he wasnt a rapper he was just nitty's friend, two he doesn't even know whats really going down. Diddy and Bloc (damn where's that fucking K?) Ent. are getting all the publishing. Which means Joc signed a one album deal for and Escalade and a chain. THATS IT, WASN'T AN ARTIST BEFORE AND DEFINATELY IS NOT ONE NOW.
I don't want to get long winded so I just have a PSA for all aspiring ghost writers out there. Keep your mouth shut if you want to get paid to write other peoples rhymes. If you tell on the rapper your telling on yourself. And please don't think because you wrote a rappers rhymes and he's sucessful, that your gonna be succsessful with your rhymes too. Perfect example... Mad Skillz. He was probably the most famous and rich ghostwriter in the history of all ghostwriters but then he got too big for his britches. Told on himself and now he's only relevant when summing up the happenings in hip hop at the end of every year. Oh yea, he has an album coming out thats gonna be released FEB. 31st 199NEVER!!!!!
Lesson of the story is if you write for a rapper he eats for a year (Yung Joc) But if Jaz O teaches a rapper how to write then he eats forever (Jay-Z)
***Backpacker Steps Off the Soapbox***
Gillie Da Kid- Lil Wayne Diss
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