June 31st
Event Name: PMD / Parrish Smith
Time: 11pm
Location: The Spot
Address: 1212 Pecan Ave
Charlotte , NC
Cost: $5, ladies free b4 11:00
Full Description:
PMD rocks a set for Microphone Monday. Also the Coalition of Kings will be performing their showcase. Don't Sleep.
Aug. 3rd
In Debt Records Presents: Eat Money?
Berkeley Cafte
217 Martin St
Cover: $5
Featuring Performances by:
Project Fitzwel
Prize Winners Collective (wilmington NC)
Late Nights (wilmington NC)
DJ Jason Johns on the wheels!
Aug. 4th
Event Name: Bloo Empire Art show
Time: 6-11
Location: Black Sheep skate shop
Address: Camden Rd
Charlotte , NC
Cost: Free!
Saturday Soapbox (Finding a New Balance)

Today I'd like to speak on the difference between doing what you want to as an artist and doing what you must as a businessman. Desire and necessity are two things that everyone, no matter their profession must struggle with. However, for a musician, it often seems much harder to bring these two factors to an equilibrium. Many times, for true artists, this effort to balance out one's money and one's morals leads only to frustration. That frustration came to a head this week as Phonte, of the N.C. trio Little Brother, vented about his experience on their new tour.
If your an LB fan you may be asking yourself a few questions right about now.....LB is on Tour? Where? How can I get tickets?
Allow me to rest your troubled mind. YOU'RE NOT MISSING OUT ON ANYTHING. This tour that I speak of is not an LB show, it's barely a show at all if you ask me. EXCUSE ME, THATS JUST THE BACKPACKER TALKING. But since you're so intersted let me give you the line up, COMING TO THE STAGE WE HAVE!!!!! Rick Ross, Young Jeezy, Three Six Mafia(I actually like them, been a fan since forever),Dem Franchise Boys, and.....who am I forgetting? Oh! The star of the show Yung Joc!
Now if your an LB fan you could only be asking yourself one question right about now.....Why in the hell is LB on the PimpTrickGangstaClik Tour? The answer....Desire and Necessity. Needless to say, LB was doomed from the start. Eventhough their dates are in N.C., LB performs last and the fans there who came to get their "trap on" can only muster up enough repspect not to boo them off stage. In his own industry scathing blog entry, even Phonte himself admitted the performances so far have been laughable. And after laughing about it onstage Phonte goes to his blog to vent. He covers; the fans, the industry, BET, and a myriad of other topics. Unfortunately the only substance readers pick up from it is that "Phonte thinks fans are stupid". Now, because of masses of people misinterpereting one sentence, he serves as fodder for conversation such as; "phonte should quit whining", "the minstrel show sucked anyway", Phonte is a hater" etc...
But I urge those who don't understand Phonte's anger and his unwillingness to blame himself or his music for his inability to go platinum to put yourself in his shoes. Imagine, being the best rapper in the state of North Carolina (and probably alotta other states too) hands down. Coming to your homestate to perform and getting NO LOVE, ZERO, NADA, NOTHING, CRICKETS. How would you feel? You know you make good music, you know you have alot of fans, you have people you've looked up to your whole life cosigning your abilities and a group of misguided teenagers who wish they could be drug dealers but can't stay out past 10:00 without their mothers permission refuse to even give your music a chance. I personally cannot blame him for coming to the conclusion that these kids might be a few stuffed burritos short of a fourth meal.
So...To break it down let me take it back to desire and necessity. Phonte, as an artist, desires many things; to inform, to educate, to entertain, to creatively express himself and have others respect and validate his views. However, as a businessman and provider for his family he desires many things; to live comfortably, to send his son to college, to see his friends and family live comfortably, basically to have enough money not to have to worry about anything. In a profession in which your paycheck is totally dependent on who you are and how your art reflects who you are, why must an artist do things out of character in order to get the necessities in life. Why must there be this vast inequality between what Phonte desires and what Phonte needs? Easy answer the fans are stupid and he has to be someone he's not to impress them. More complicated answer the fans have been brainwashed by people who have more money. Solution, I'll get onstage with the people who the fans have been brainwashed to like and I'll sneak my art in there and maybe they will like it and by my album in addition to Yung Joc's. NICE IDEA ON PAPER BUT, NO DICE. Not only do you compromize your beliefs for nothing, you force feed your music to trapkids and they hate you for it, backpackers who don't understand industry politics hate you for being a "sell out", and to support your family you have to be humiliated in the place you call home.
And thats the dillemma. Now more than ever rappers are becoming a disposable commodity. So just be your unique self and do the unique things you do because the fans you really want are the fans you already have. And more importantly YOU CAN'T BRAINWASH PEOPLE WITH THE TRUTH. Since your not lying in your rhymes, paying for a million spins and paying for the #1 spot on trl isn't gonna get you more album sales. Believe it or not real music is still popularized by word of mouth. I have lost count of how many people I've turned on to LB's music and Im sure the rest of your fans have too. So if you fufill your desire of being true to yourself, you may have to settle for the 5 bedroom instead of the 7 and you'll have to work with the used S 500 instead of the new one off the lot but you'll be alot happier. AND YOU WON'T HAVE TO JUSTIFY WHAT YOU SAY ON YOUR BLOG EITHER.
***The Backpacker Steps Off the Soapbox****
Little Brother ft. Carlitta- Life of the Party
5 for Friday

New heat for the end of the work week
The Game- One Blood
Inspectah Deck ft. Masta Killa- Sound of the Slums
Doujah Raze ft. Sean Price & A.G.- Fahrenheit
Cut Chemist ft. Edan & Mr. Lif- The Storm
7L & Esoteric- Dunks Are Live, Dunks Are Dead
The War Report

Post and they will come.........No sooner did I post my article on Nicolay than I found this prize piece on the net. Enjoy. Good hip hop on the way, Keep Hope Alive!!!!!
My Picks
I Love the Way You Love- Phonte ft. Darien Brockington
Black Spade- I am the Man
My Story- Kay and Sy Smith
Sunday Shows of the Week

Friday July 28
The 506 Reunion Show & Uneek Birthday Party"
The Local 506, Chapel Hill NC
Doors Open @ 8pm...$8 Entry
osted by Uneek and Kaze
DJ Forge on the wheels
Live Performances by…
Jozeemo LOB/HOJ? Congrats my nig!!!
Kaze from Soul Dojo
LIL Y.I.T of Fam or Foe,
Murksville's Diggz n Dox[/
K Hill of Kick-A-Verse Productions
D-N-A Rapstar Records/K97. 5FM Freestyle Friday King
The entire show will be recorded and aired on www.resonatedradio.com
Saturday July 29th
Event Name: DJ Shortkut & DJ Rich Medina
Time: 9pm
Location: The Spot
Address: 1212 Pecan ave
Charlotte , NC
Sunday July 30th
at The Brewery
$100 Cash Money on the Line!
$8 Gets you in the door AND in the battle!
Hosted by the reigning champ TUCSON!
Doors are open at 9 pm
I Ain't Fraid of No Ghost (Saturday Soapbox)

It has recently come to my attention that the two top selling artists(and I use that term very loosely) in the industry right now, have only been able to reach their "cult" status through the use of ghostwriters. If your not up on the latest hip hop news and you have no idea who these two so called "artist" are, let me give you some hints. They are both from the south,both are closely affiliated with Diddy (the king of all ghostwriting entusiasts), one of these guys humourously claims to be the "Best Rapper Alive", and the other just seems to always know where it going down at. Thats right kids, your daughters favorite rappers... Lil Wayne and Yung Joc!!!!. Surprised? I sure as hell was, who in the fuck would admit to writing something like "meet me in the mall...its going down"? However, this week, everything was brought to light thanks to that little green eyed monster called jealousy. How you could ever be jealous of a fake and a phony whos words aren't even their own I'll never know but I digress.
This week, the two gentlemen that penned these mulitplatinum paragraphs exposed their counterparts because they were tired of......I guess not being on T.V. or something. Nitty, the ass hole responsible for "It's Going Down" wasn't satisfied with people simply knowing it was a "Nitty Beat"(try to imagine that annoying little kid's voice). He apparently thought it ws very important that the listening public know that it was a Nitty song too. Gille Da Kid voiced his concerns about not getting his 15 minutes in a more traditional fashion, a freestyle diss aimed at his employer Lil Wayne (Link's at the bottom). Im not gonna go into what was said because it was mediocre at best, especially compared to E Ness who happened to also be rapping at the time. Instead i'd like to analyze two things; first, how in the world would any self-respecting artist ever let anyone else put words in their mouth, and 2. Why in the hell don't these gohstwriters keep their mouth shut (ghostwriting doesn't work if everyone knows your doing it).
Let's start with the veteran and more respected "lyricist"(and I use that term loosely) out of the two, Lil Wayne. Now we all know his story, lost his father at 10, shot at 11, hooked up with Baby and Slim and been shining eversince. I used to have alot of respect for the "Lil" guy, to be that young and be able to hang with real artists like "B.G. and Juvenile" who changed the face of hip hop and truly depcited their life and times living in Magnolia. To have come though the ranks and studied under individuals such as these, after his first three releases I was under the impression that the young man was coming along just fine. 17 years old, coined the terms "bling bling" and "drop it like its hot", living it up in mansions with the cash money millionaires and never lost his magnolia masses. I respected him for not being bow wow or romeo, or kriss kross, or any other cheesy pre pubescent rapper you can conjure up. He was to me, dare I say it, the southern version of Shyheim. Then "The Carter" came out. Boy was I really fooled then, the "Lil" man had the most stubborn hip hop heads singing his praises. But this was not to last. I guess money really changes people. After "The Carter", Wayne went from rees beaus and tees; to bapes, designers shades, and red monkey jeans. I mean the "Lil" bastard went hollywood on us!!!!!! First he was gonna sign with Hov, then Bad Boy, thankfully he came to his senses, decided not to shit on his new orleans roots all together and stayed with Cash Money.But that was the begining, I think that as a mostly independent artist once you cross the threshold of that board room door and see how the big bucks are made you are either one, completely disgusted or two, undeniably attracted. Guess which one Wayne was......DON'T BE SURPRISED IF HE ASKS WHERE DA CASH AT???. So he got his million dollar advance, hopped on the first thing smokin to miami, payed some one else to do his album for him and went to go play on the beach. END OF STORY, END OF CAREER, ONCE SOMEONE ELSE WRITES "YOUR" RHYMES YOUR NO LONGER AN ARTIST.
If it were only that simple. Im guessing once this story really hits all the websites and rap mags, all you'll hear is crickets. The rap game is so fucked up and convoluted with false images and personas I don't think anyone will care.
Now, let me talk about this other one, Yung Joc. Yeah, that's Yung Joc with a U and no K. First off let me say I don't blame Yung Joc because he is simply a puppet. I BLAME THE FANS. Anyone who likes Yung Joc's music is a brainless idiot and deserves to be shot (there I said it). But back to the point, Yung Joc is a puppet. Add one part Diddy's stylist, two parts Nitty (the beat and the lyrics), then add a young...dumb....broke nigga with no soul or scruples and you've got yourself a smash hit!!!!! There you go, how to be a record label executive for dummies. Basically thats it. Everyone else who's blaming Joc needs to stop cuz you really can't knoc (no k) his hustle. First he wasnt a rapper he was just nitty's friend, two he doesn't even know whats really going down. Diddy and Bloc (damn where's that fucking K?) Ent. are getting all the publishing. Which means Joc signed a one album deal for and Escalade and a chain. THATS IT, WASN'T AN ARTIST BEFORE AND DEFINATELY IS NOT ONE NOW.
I don't want to get long winded so I just have a PSA for all aspiring ghost writers out there. Keep your mouth shut if you want to get paid to write other peoples rhymes. If you tell on the rapper your telling on yourself. And please don't think because you wrote a rappers rhymes and he's sucessful, that your gonna be succsessful with your rhymes too. Perfect example... Mad Skillz. He was probably the most famous and rich ghostwriter in the history of all ghostwriters but then he got too big for his britches. Told on himself and now he's only relevant when summing up the happenings in hip hop at the end of every year. Oh yea, he has an album coming out thats gonna be released FEB. 31st 199NEVER!!!!!
Lesson of the story is if you write for a rapper he eats for a year (Yung Joc) But if Jaz O teaches a rapper how to write then he eats forever (Jay-Z)
***Backpacker Steps Off the Soapbox***
Gillie Da Kid- Lil Wayne Diss
The War Report

1. "Dilltastic Vol Won(derful)"
2. "False Media"
3. "Game Theory"
4. "Don't Feel Right"
5. "In The Music"
6. "Take It There"
7. "Baby"
8. "Here I Come"
9. "Long Time"
10. "Livin' In A New World"
11. "Clock With No Hands"
12. "Atonement"
13. "Can't Stop This
Tuesday Release of the Week

The worst marriage ever formed by two words in the history of the English language has to be "Overnight Success". Why? Simple. The concept doesn't exist! Yet no matter how often, in depth or in passing, we attempt to edify those romanticists who dwell among us as to the mental booby-trap invented by believing in such a notion, there are still many who have no inkling how laborious becoming a superstar really is.
Skyzoo is the embodiment of the term "grinding". The Brooklyn native has received praises from some of hip-hop's greatest icons such as Jay-Z, Nas, Buckshot and EPMD for his street- narrating style of rap. He is an M.C. By definition an M.C. is "anyone who understands a hip-hop mentality and is prepared to customize the music for the fan." In 2004, he appeared on BET’s "106 & Park", battling well-known battle-rapper Jin. Recently, due to the release of Skyzoo's latest mixtape "The City’s Favorite", hosted by DJ Absolute, he has been garnering more and more attention. Reportedly, the mixtape moved 3,000 units in only three days.
Now as a team, 9th Wonder (producer) & Skyzoo (artist) present the concept album: "Cloud 9: The 3 Day High"
commentary by NOE of the Industry Cosign
My Pick's
Way To Go
Speed Racin
The Bodega
A Guy You Might Like To Meet

You may not recognize the face of Phonte's friend at the phone booth; but odds are if you are familiar with N.C. hip hop at all you've "heard" all about him. Through his many efforts such as; Connected and The Dutchmaster Mixtape Series just to name a few Nicolay has been flooding the N.C. Underground with his unique brand of production. Nicolay is an export from the Netherlands who was introduced to fans through his collaboration with Phonte of Little Brother. Their album "Foreign Exchange: Connected" has reached cult status among the N.C. hip hop faithful. As legend has it Nicolay and Phonte met on the Okayplayer message boards and its been on ever since.
Soulful without samples, abstract but not overwhelming, Nicolay's style is truly one of a kind. I personally enjoy music that is truly creative and never gives way to conversation such as; "this reminds me of" or "this guy sounds like". A trailbllazer in his own right, Nicolay has been doing his thing in other areas of the globe and in recent years has become a regular in the House of Jusitice. His newest release "Here" is almost guaranteed not to disappoint and with many more Justice League collabos in the works IF YOU DON'T ALREADY KNOW WHO NICOLAY IS GET FAMILIAR!!!
Sunday Shows of The Week

Been gone for a min handling some H2O business but Im back with the sunday shows of the week!!!!
Event Name: Mindelixir - MC Battle
Date: 07 / 22 / 2006
Time: 9pm
Location: Jeff's Bucket Shop
Address: Montford Dr
Charlotte , NC
Cost: $5
Event Name: The Unsigned Movement
Date: 07 / 22 / 2006
Time: 10pm
Location: Gold Pepper Grill
Address: 101 N Tryon
Charlotte , NC 28246
Cost: $10
Full Discription:
A great night of hip hop.... Q.C. and surrounding come out and support unsigned talent Come check out the movement Gold Pepper Grill Up Town in the Independence Center! Nothing but the real hip hop. With guest appearances from B.A.M., S.N.Y.P., Sinister and many more... You don't want to miss it! July 22 10 p.m. assemble your crew mark your books! It's going to be BIG! Bad Boy's own DJ Flemingo on the 1's and 2's! 21 + with I.D.
Tuesday Release of the Week

Nothing really came out this week local wise and I know its a little early but I might as well get this outta the way......NEW BOOT CAMP CLIK!!!!!!!!!!!
Every one knows the deal with these guys. Its the album everyone's been waiting for and with production froma virtual who's who of producers (even a couple from our boy 9th) it definately doesn't disappoint. Watch out for that Marco Polo joint too. PLEASE SUPPOURT GOOD HIP HOP. PLEASE!!!! Links to a few of the tracks to come later
A Guy U Might Like To Know

The person u might like to know this monday is arguably the "rapper of the moment" in the state of N.C. Now, I may be a little biased since I work for his company "Policy Entertainment Group", however you don't have to take my word for it. Big Treal's body of work to date coupled with his work that will soon be released speak volumes, and speaks loudly.
Big Treal heads Policy Entertainment Group LLC and co-founded Deep Rooted Productions. He is closely affiliated with 9th wonder and the Justus League. To that end he has been featured on DJ Drama Gangsta Grillz: Separate But Equal Mixtape. In his hometown of charlotte N.C. he is known for the seven mixtpaes he has independently released through his label.(there is an 8th on the way) I am fortunate enough to be helping him while he is in the process of creating a full length LP, with production from 9th, Khrysis and others i am not even permitted to name. He will also be on the lead single from 9th wonder's upcoming release "The Dream Merchant Vol. 2". AND THATs just THE OLD STUFF.
He is now in the studio with DTP's new recruit Shareefa about to make the remix to her summer banger "I Need a Boss". He is also in talks with DJ Honda to feature on his re-emergence into the the american mixtape scene.I say amercian because Honda is an international DJ who has been gone for a couple years gaining much notariety in Japan. Big Treal is honestly the hardest working rapper/businessman I have ever seen and I am priviledged to be working with him. AND IF YOU DIDNT HAVE ANY IDEA WHO THIS WAS BEFORE THIS ARTICLE CLICK THE TITLE AND YOU CAN CHECK THE MYSPACE PAGE!!!
Upcoming Shows This Week
Microphone Mondays
The Spot in Charlotte NC
1212 Pecan Ave
Starts @ 10pm
Wed. July 12@ 10PM
Where: HI-5 , 510 South Glenwood Raleigh, NC
free admission
Thur, July 13th @ The Spot
Event: Hip hop fundraiser
Location: The Spot at 1212 Pecan St
Time: Doors open at 8:00 pm
Entry: Minimum $8 donation
Purpose: Rally cry for those families displaced by the city at Mecklenburg Mills and Johnston Mills.
Little Brother (Durham) - headliners
The Others (Charlotte)
Pens & Needles (Asheville)
Kaze (Raleigh)
DJ Forge (Raleigh)
Dan Johns (Florence/Columbia)
The remaining are from Charlotte:
Mr. Invisible
IKE Turnah
Next Level
Point Game
Blk Swan
Maze Forever
July 14
Talib and Urban Sophisticates...
Cats Cradle
9:00pm start
$25 price
JJULY 14 Doors open @ 9:30PM $5 before 11PM
Where: Raleigh Music Hall, 14 West Martin Street Downtown Raleigh, NC
07 / 15 / 2006
Event Name: Mindelixir Show
Time: 9pm
Location: Jeff's Bucket Shop
Address: Montford Dr
Charlotte ,
Cost: $5
07 / 15 / 2006
Event Name: Old School Party
Time: 9pm
Location: Fire & Ice
Address: Pecan ave
Charlotte , NC
Cost: $10 w/ flyer, $12 @ door
Full Discription:
DJ DR Ole Skool Hip Hop Music Drink Specials Breakdancing and more Check it out!!! Rock your adidas suits & kangols - it's old school!
Microphone Mondays
The Spot in Charlotte NC
1212 Pecan Ave
Starts @ 10pm
Wed. July 12@ 10PM
Where: HI-5 , 510 South Glenwood Raleigh, NC
free admission
Thur, July 13th @ The Spot
Event: Hip hop fundraiser
Location: The Spot at 1212 Pecan St
Time: Doors open at 8:00 pm
Entry: Minimum $8 donation
Purpose: Rally cry for those families displaced by the city at Mecklenburg Mills and Johnston Mills.
Little Brother (Durham) - headliners
The Others (Charlotte)
Pens & Needles (Asheville)
Kaze (Raleigh)
DJ Forge (Raleigh)
Dan Johns (Florence/Columbia)
The remaining are from Charlotte:
Mr. Invisible
IKE Turnah
Next Level
Point Game
Blk Swan
Maze Forever
July 14
Talib and Urban Sophisticates...
Cats Cradle
9:00pm start
$25 price
JJULY 14 Doors open @ 9:30PM $5 before 11PM
Where: Raleigh Music Hall, 14 West Martin Street Downtown Raleigh, NC
07 / 15 / 2006
Event Name: Mindelixir Show
Time: 9pm
Location: Jeff's Bucket Shop
Address: Montford Dr
Charlotte ,
Cost: $5
07 / 15 / 2006
Event Name: Old School Party
Time: 9pm
Location: Fire & Ice
Address: Pecan ave
Charlotte , NC
Cost: $10 w/ flyer, $12 @ door
Full Discription:
DJ DR Ole Skool Hip Hop Music Drink Specials Breakdancing and more Check it out!!! Rock your adidas suits & kangols - it's old school!
All U C Iz.....Crime In The City

I spoke in a earlier post about hip hop being an unstoppable force. On this weeks soapbox I would like to get more specific and signify the one aspect of hiphop that may be the most unstoppable.....Grafitti. As one of the four pillars of hip hop, throught the years, Grafitti has stayed true to its roots. And as the Brooklyn Museum of Art holds an entire exhibit especialy catered to a cornerstone of one of the most influential cultural movements the world has seen, it seems obvious to me that in the purple diamond wearing, coke pushing, blood stained world of rap music the art.....I REPEAT THE ART OF GRAFITTI might be the only pillar that true fans and historians of the culture have left to stand on.
AHHH the B-Boy... The jack of all trades, the renaissance men of hip hop. For those lay people who have no idea, a B-Boy, was a bright and gifted young man (and later on woman)that encompassed all four pillars of hip hop. DJ-ing, Breakdancing, Emcee-ing,and Tagging, with those four powers combined you were A B-BOY!!!!!! Sounds glamourous doesn't it? And oh how glamourous it was, if you look back at the pictures from the late 70's and early 80's you can see the purity of it all. Young people in the inner-city reacting to the pressures and politics of life at that time with social commentary and an individualism that made them stand out from the workers in the slums and separated them from the suits on Wall Street.(As if the alarming poverty and drug trafficing weren't separation enough)To be on the cutting edge of a movment so strong is usually a burden to those innovators with enough guile to buck the status quo. However, the unique quality about the hip hop culture was that they were pretty much left to their own devices. (which is very rare for a big group of minorities all doing the same thing at the same time)I say pretty much, because for all those that were making that racket with their parents turntables, and those reusing the cardboard boxes from the trash heap to do those funny dances....There was that special breed, the trobulemakers defacing public property. It seemed ironic on so many levels that New York City; this white washed metropolis of brick and mortar, this symbol of american prowess, was also one of the biggest centers for crime and corruption. And for the first time, people could litteraly see writing on the wall. Writings, that would seemingly appear overnight. No one knew exactly how, or when, but anyone who could read knew why. The messages would appear in such vivd color and in such gargantuan size, and in so many numbers that they could not be ignored. And so... the war on terror insued. Fueled by the seminal graffiti documentary "Style Wars" THE MAYOR OF THE BIG APPLE put the hammer down on grafitti declaring it as crime punishable by fines and jailtime.
Fast forward a quarter of a century. How much of a B-Boy is there left to be? Rap went from being ignored to being villianized then accepted to then being raped, pillaged and sold out by its own kind, the last time I checked break dancing was being used in car commericals and sitcoms, and every white boy from suburbia copped a set of technics and became DJ Grand Master Techno/House. So that leaves us with old faithful, our dedicated creatures of the night creating street murals in the shadows with nothing but an ipod in their ear, a can of Krylon in their hand, and pure passion in their hearts. Still willing to risk spending a couple hundered bucks and a couple of hours in a holding cell to see that paint glisten off an alley wall or a train car by the light of day.
So being that the ART...YES THE ART OF GRAFFITI has an exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum of Art(maybe guggenheim next time?), saying that graffiti has come a long way would be a vast understatement. EAT YOUR HEART OUT EDDIE KOCH!!!!
***The Backpacker Steps Off the Soapbox***
for a link to a feature on the actual exhibit click the title of the post.
Five For Friday

These are the five tracks I been rockin wit all week....
1. Busta Rhymes ft. Noreaga- The Assignment
2. Black Rob ft. The L.O.X.- Can I Live
3. Mobb Deep ft. 5o Cent- Nightmares
4. Sheist Bub ft. Cam'ron- Catch Him
5. M.O.P. ft. Fox- The Game's Been Fixed
Im on my N.Y. Shit!!!!!

If you can't tell by the title the subject of this week's "war report" are from the westcoast. Some might even say they ARE the westcoast. Cali Iz Active is a joint I've been baging for about two weeks and its got a new westcaost feel that I really like. They don't live off the old trends and come correct wit this one so go out and support the OG's. Because I stayed up til 5 in tha morning putting the finishing touches on the EDO G interview, I wont say too much about this LP. Its no classic as a metter of fact not even close. But its nice that these classic and individual artist can give us some westcoast sounds to ride out to. Thanks DPGC!!!!!
Ace's Picks
1. DPGC- Cali Iz Active (Prod. By Battlecat)
Show at the Spot

Hip hop was on display in all its glory at the EDO.G and Sadat X show wed. night at "the spot". First you should know that "the spot" is a venue in charlotte that prior to being a home for smoking drinking and other various unmentionable acts 1212 Pecan Ave. was a house of worship. Which turned out to be verty fitting as much homage was being paid to two saints of the underground and their many deciples that served for impressive opening acts. Charles Herron rocked the crowd with a great stage performance, ninja science team and mad p brought a little harmony into the mix,verbal kent and eratik statik repped chi-town to the fullest,and the others showed once again why they're the kings of the queen city. I missed pottersfield mc's and tableek (sorry guys). But I was there for EDO G, and as I anticipated it was the best set of the night. He went through the new the old,the familiar, the unfamilar, dj premier, pete rock and a new track prod by Marco Polo (look out for that!!!). Then came Sadat X who was sabotaged by the soundman (happens to the best of 'em). He still held it down spitting his many hip hop quotables acapella adn promised the crowd a make-up show next time hes in town. Hmmmmm.......what else am I forgetting?.........
Q:In 1991 you and Da' Bulldogs came out with "Life of a Kid in the Ghetto, which gained crtical acclaim and boasted a #1 singleon the charts as well.It seems like these days that type of success is more expected of a new artist. What would you say the differences are between you coming in the game in 1991 and new artist coming in 2006?
EDO G:I think that the industry is in a different mindstate than when I came in. They are really more about promoting the more negative aspects of music.But the thing about a cat that comes along now, as opposed to back then is similar to basketball. You know, you had your era with the jordans, birds,magics and now you have Lebron. So the era today is just a result of our changing times.But overall I think the industry is in a good state, where an artist can come out independent, be an entrepernuer and really make it happen for themselves.
Q:Considering the years right after your initial success, how important do you think it is for rappers and especially so called "underground" rappers to go independent or sign to an indy label?
EDO G: Depends on the artist really. Because if you want to be an entrepernuer; you can save your money, come out totally independent, and reap all the benefits. But for those who don't have the money or opportunity to do that, signing with an independent that has money to put your project out is the next best thing.
Q: I think your ablum "My Own Worst Enemy" was some of your best work. Most if not all of the tracks on that album were produced by Pete Rock right?
EDO G: Yeah, he produced 7 out of the 11 tracks on the cd.
Q: What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages with having one producer handling most of the project?
EDO G: I don't think there are any real disadvantages to that, it just depends on what you do with the tracks. I thinbk its good, maybe more people should do that. That way you can get that one sound, that whole kinda cohesiveness throught an entire album.But personally, Im a free agent. Im just tryin to work with whoever has the hottest beats.
Q:Its, funny you say that. Because in my opinion alot of rappers both rookies and veterans in the game have alot of trouble choosing beats.How did you go about choosing beats for "My Own Worst Enemy" and What do you look for in a beat?
EDO G: I just have an ear for it, alot of people don't have that.Certain cats just don't know a good beat when they hear it. For the most part I just go with what I like and most of the time when you do that people will agree.
Q:So do you think its more important to make art for you first and then let the fans catch up?
EDO G:Well, I definately think that people should just conform and do whats popular at the moment.I mean, if your not feeling it in your heart than its not heartfelt and that will show in the music.So, if you love the beat the fans will to because they know that its something that you appreciated.
Q:Speaking of that, with the "superstar" status attributed to producers like Just Blaze, Kanye West, Pharrell, and most recently 9th Wonder....Do you think its a producers game these days. In other words, are they running the show right now?
EDO G: Well, all those guys are dope and make hot beats, but in general I think it is.I think its easier for the dj's and producers to constantly stay above water and remain relevant because they don't have to compete all the time. Its a double edged sword dj's and producers are getting their time now, whereas in the past it may have just been a couple of producers that are really on top.
Q: I think that the producers that were doing their thing in the past have really gotten lost in the shuffle, which is part of the reeason why artist cant choose beats.
EDO G: I agree if most of these artist would just read the credits of their favorite albums thaey could look and say "ok this is a guy I need to mess with".I mean, you can take a Dj Premier who is from the old school but still doing his thing, his sound is just timeless. Some people may not see him as a big name but he still makes amazing music.
Q: Ok...Give me a quick run through of the Boston scene, aritst people should be looking for.
EDO G: Well, my man Slain, my man J Son he's in my group Special Teamz, Acrobatics got a new ablum comin out,Insight, Team 220. Man there's so many people too many to name them all.But those are the cats that I definately think will be makin alot of noise this year.
Q: What rap releases are you looking forward to, commercial underground or otherwise.
EDO G: Nobody. Im not a big purchaser, I actually buy more r&b than rap.
Q:Well, the last album I bought was the Busta Rhymes CD
EDO G: Yeah I like that one, its got some hot joints on there. Q tip, Dre ,Raekwon did their thing. Basically, if its hot I'll support it.
Q: What track do you think fans most anticipate hearing you perfomr at a show?
EDO G: Of course its gotta be "I Gotta Have It". But I think in the next couple of years there will be some new joints that people will look forward to hearing live.
Q: Whats next for you and Sadat X? Any more show dates?
EDO G: Yeah, actually 3 more dates; St. Louis Milwaukee and Chicago. Then im headed to back Boston and then up to New York. Im actually trying to organize a tour with Erratik Statik, Cali Agents and Sean Price. All our new albums should be out around the time we go on the road.
Tuesday "Release of the Week"

If you don't already know who this is in the picture its the rhyming beatslinger Rashid Hadee from Chapter 13 on a dope EP entitled "It Ain't Hard To Tell" which features 8 new tracks, all produced by the man himself. You got him either on the boards layin down some thick beatwork or sharing mic duties alongside Augustine, Abstract Mindstate and Chapter 13. Check out his ill remix of Pete Rock and CL Smooth's "Appreciate". You will definitely appreciate it. Grab it and spread the word on Rashid Hadee, Chapter 13 and Neblina Records. This should keep you over until Rashid drops the highly anticipated "Dedication" album. Fresh quality hiphop music, for free? Dont sleep.
(commentary courtesy of BrokeBBoys.com)
Just click on the title for the download link
Some Guys U mIght Like to Know

It seems like people will find a way to categorize anything today. As long as they have a name and a label for something, they feel that they can control it. Today what I present to you is the uncontrolable force known only as "Inflowential". They aren't trap niggas, hell, two of them aren't even black. They're not hip hop heads/backpackers, or not totally atleast. They're not working to "bring us back to the essence", they're not totally left field, and despite what people might tell you THEY ARE NOT THE SECOND COMING OF THE ROOTS(not that that would be a bad thing). They are simply some talented guys who love hip hop and started a group and make music that appealed to them. TAB 1, Charlie Smarts, Adid, & Bender form this quartet of unexplainable hip hop and ever since they came on the scene with their interesting blend of emcee-ing, beatboxing, and bass guitar they have been a raliegh powerhouse. Althought they have toured the state many times raleigh is the place they call home and where they get the most love.
Because their style is so eclectic their fans range from the trap niggas to the sorority girls (especially the sorority girls).Whenver and wherever they perform it is guaranteed to be a good time. They do have some set songs when they perform but the reason why a person like me can go to three of their shows in one week is because they improv a good amount of it too and its simply amazing. You never know what verse your going to hear from the unpredicatble tab 1(he freestlyes at least one song a performance), at any moment charlie smarts could break out into song, and Adid might give the rest of the guys a rest while he does his famous beatbox halftime show in between their set. Known for their great performances and their truthful and easily relatable lyrics they have gained much fanfare. They recently won a talent competition at NCCU and are now in talks with Atlantic Records. If you want to get your hands on some material theyhave an E.P. out and they are currently in the studio working on the full length so look out for that coming soon. SO IF U DONT KNOW NOW U KNOW!!!
Sunday Shows of the Week

Where: Cat's Cradle (300 E. Main St, Carrboro)
How Much: tickets $14 advance/$16 at door
When: 8:30
Where: Bella Festa 127 Princess street downtown Wilmington NC 28401
Who: YBGz (Port City)
Shelly B (Raliegh)
K Slack of Thyrday(Bull City) w/ Grind
Brandon D (Greensoro)
How Much: Dunno
When: 10:45pm
Where: The Spot, 1212 Peacan Ave Charlotte NC
Who:Sadat X
The Others
When: 9:30
How Much: $10 adv. / $15 @ door
120 E. Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Where: BlackSheep (1504 Camden Rd Charlotte , NC )
Who: Just for Kicks Art Show
When: 7:00pm
How Much: Free
Saturday Soapbox
On the Saturday Soapbox I discuss a current event in the rap world, be it good or bad. Dont be afraid its just my opinion. Let me already apologize if I offend somebody.
The question I ask while I stand on the soapbox this week is "IS RAP "JUST A TOY?".
There's an article that appeared on allhiphop.com this week (link above, just click on "saturday soapbox) about the newest hip hop buisness venture. Apparently a company by the name of Mezco Toyz wants or is going to "revive hip hop icons the Notorious B.I.G. and Public Enemy as action figures".
It was ok when there were talks of a Master P doll because we all know that he is a shamelss buisness man that will do damn near anything for a dollar and 15 MORE min. of fame. It was even understandable that Ghostface would sign his likeness over to Mattel & Co, first, because he's one of the funniest and most eccentric emcees to ever hold a mic and second because he's already doing MTV 2 commcericals. But I just think taking one of the most beloved dead emcees and one of the most socially concious living emcees and trivializing both leagacies by miniturizing them to "nine-inch plastic figures" is taking it too far.
Hip Hop as a musical genre has been exploited ever since the ceo's of Coke and Mc Donalds figured out that Nelly and Ludacris weren't on the cover of tiger beat magazine but they were sure as hell blasting out of his/her daughter's stereos. But it seems that in recent years its not the just the abstract idea of "Hip Hop" thats being exploited but these companies are actually putting faces to the culture. Ludacris with Puma and Pontiac, Lil Jon with Oakley, Slum Village with Chevy, and even Jay Z with HP Computers (at least he refused to show his face).
Now, theres nothing wrong with free enterprise Im all for Lil Jon and Crunk Juice, Nelly and Pimp Juice, and Ludacris with Def Con 3 because they aren't simply puppets for big conglomerates. They are trying to do their own thing and compete against the very buisnesses that are whore-ing out the culture. Which gives these specific artist all the more reason to tell Coke and Puma to fuck off because they have their own drinks and footwear.
And for those optimist thinking that Chuck D and Violetta Wallace(shame on you Violetta for this and the duets album, even though diddy isa fucking you over you MUST find a better way to make ends meet) signed their repsective souls to the dark side for a good cause just check out how they described the B.I.G. doll, "The Notorious B.I.G. action figure will be clad in his distinctive white-tailored cloth suit along with a removable hat, cane and “bling accessories.”". Now what exactly is a Bling accessory? and last time I checked the notorious one didnt always have a hat and cane. Barbie is over 70 years old and that bitch doesnt have a cane. If you ask me Mezco Toys might as well have given Biggie a feather for hist hat, some gators and a copule of bitches and just called it "the fat pimp doll". Chuck D is going to come fully equipped with his "signature gold chain and baseball cap". Correct me if I wrong but last time I saw the Dont Believe The Hype video Chuck D had a chain with the continent of Africa on it and it sure as hell wasnt gold. That just goes to show you how low formerly great artist will go when you choose to buy the ying yang twins albums over their own. But I digress.
The problem is, to quote another hip hop action figure, "the game is to be sold not to be told" and black people especially seem to have no problem with doing the selling and the telling even when its for companies who don't really give a shit about the culture and the progression of hip hop music.
***the backpacker steps off the soapbox***
The question I ask while I stand on the soapbox this week is "IS RAP "JUST A TOY?".
There's an article that appeared on allhiphop.com this week (link above, just click on "saturday soapbox) about the newest hip hop buisness venture. Apparently a company by the name of Mezco Toyz wants or is going to "revive hip hop icons the Notorious B.I.G. and Public Enemy as action figures".
It was ok when there were talks of a Master P doll because we all know that he is a shamelss buisness man that will do damn near anything for a dollar and 15 MORE min. of fame. It was even understandable that Ghostface would sign his likeness over to Mattel & Co, first, because he's one of the funniest and most eccentric emcees to ever hold a mic and second because he's already doing MTV 2 commcericals. But I just think taking one of the most beloved dead emcees and one of the most socially concious living emcees and trivializing both leagacies by miniturizing them to "nine-inch plastic figures" is taking it too far.
Hip Hop as a musical genre has been exploited ever since the ceo's of Coke and Mc Donalds figured out that Nelly and Ludacris weren't on the cover of tiger beat magazine but they were sure as hell blasting out of his/her daughter's stereos. But it seems that in recent years its not the just the abstract idea of "Hip Hop" thats being exploited but these companies are actually putting faces to the culture. Ludacris with Puma and Pontiac, Lil Jon with Oakley, Slum Village with Chevy, and even Jay Z with HP Computers (at least he refused to show his face).
Now, theres nothing wrong with free enterprise Im all for Lil Jon and Crunk Juice, Nelly and Pimp Juice, and Ludacris with Def Con 3 because they aren't simply puppets for big conglomerates. They are trying to do their own thing and compete against the very buisnesses that are whore-ing out the culture. Which gives these specific artist all the more reason to tell Coke and Puma to fuck off because they have their own drinks and footwear.
And for those optimist thinking that Chuck D and Violetta Wallace(shame on you Violetta for this and the duets album, even though diddy isa fucking you over you MUST find a better way to make ends meet) signed their repsective souls to the dark side for a good cause just check out how they described the B.I.G. doll, "The Notorious B.I.G. action figure will be clad in his distinctive white-tailored cloth suit along with a removable hat, cane and “bling accessories.”". Now what exactly is a Bling accessory? and last time I checked the notorious one didnt always have a hat and cane. Barbie is over 70 years old and that bitch doesnt have a cane. If you ask me Mezco Toys might as well have given Biggie a feather for hist hat, some gators and a copule of bitches and just called it "the fat pimp doll". Chuck D is going to come fully equipped with his "signature gold chain and baseball cap". Correct me if I wrong but last time I saw the Dont Believe The Hype video Chuck D had a chain with the continent of Africa on it and it sure as hell wasnt gold. That just goes to show you how low formerly great artist will go when you choose to buy the ying yang twins albums over their own. But I digress.
The problem is, to quote another hip hop action figure, "the game is to be sold not to be told" and black people especially seem to have no problem with doing the selling and the telling even when its for companies who don't really give a shit about the culture and the progression of hip hop music.
***the backpacker steps off the soapbox***
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