Yes, it's finally here! The loooooooong awaited L. Stress review. Shouts to my man J Coleman for sending me the track. Once again, for those who missed it the last time heres the criteria I'll be using to evaluate the track.
* Lyrical Ability
* Subject of Song
* Replay Value
* Sound Quality
* Artist Comparison
* The Beat
* The Hook
* The Feeling
All these categories will receive a certain number of backpacks from 1-5 5 obviously being better than 1. At the end we'll average the total of packs and you will have your score giving you either a 1,2,3,4, or 5. 5 being the highest.
Without further come the book sacks.
The Name of his track is "Legend In The Making", another bold title from an NC emcee (by way of Chicago that is). This is from his 2005 release "Back to the Essence".
Lyrical Ability:
"Exotic stroke of a pen"... I couldn't have said it any better. The lyrics aren't mind boggling but hes definitely droppin some jewels
Subject of Song:
Okay we get it, your a dope emcee, there's bullshit on the radio, the industry sucks, its time for a change. Heard it a thousand times......never gets old tho! L Stress manages to make the typical disheartened underground rapper song interesting. The song really has no direction. The hook is s series of scratched in audio clips (a la DJ Premier) but it still sounds good so it doesn't bother me too much. It would have been nice if he would've named more legends (rap and otherwise) throughout the song sorta like when he drops jack demsey, ll cool j and bob marley's names in the third verse. Should've formulated that into a concept
Replay Value:
Like I said, the subject matter never gets old so that really helps. The beat is bananas! I could and have listened to this repeatedly and haven't gotten tired of it yet. Not saying the song is great, just saying that u can throw it in the rotation and you'll have no problem.
Artist Comparison:
He's got a habit of over pronouncing his words and rapping with a hurried pace. Hes speaks on political issues and uses obscure references. He also uses intricate situational metaphors, meaning he'll say my flow is like "insert weird scenario here". Then he'll pick a reference from that and use it a couple lines later. I say he's a mix between Immortal Technique and Pharoah Monch but with no angry, high pitched, almost yelling at you flow. Much.....much more laid back with it.
The Beat:
Str8 bananas! Sounds just like premier. Can't go wrong with that. Not sure who produced it but if its original, that man is niiice. Although Levi didn't make a classic out of it, an artist like O.C. or Afu Ra, or Jeru would've ripped it to pieces.
The Hook:
A Hook done old school premier style, gets me every time
The Feeling:
Head bob is there, cuz of the beat. I'm immediately turned off when I hear Levi start to rap because the sound quality on his voice is lacking. The way he flows makes it worse because it's a little hurried and it seems like hes focused on the pronunciation of the words and doesn't really put that much swagger on it. It makes it seem like each verse is one big long run on sentence Lyrics are there tho "I'll ghostwrite you're resignation".
Final Score:
There u have it. Don't take my word for it tho, d load and check it out for yourself. Once again, I mean no offense to Levi or anyone else, this is just one mans opinion. I support all local artist and encourage everyone to keep growing, keep writing/producing, and I wish everyone the best.
Want more Levi Stress????
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